Bachelor of science degree in engineering: Questions On Fluid Mechanics ( Of Import Mcq)

1) Which of the next statements are truthful for dimensional analysis?
1. The functional human relationship betwixt theme as well as non-dependent variables tin be
expressed into dimensionless damage yesteryear dimensional analysis
2. In model testing, it reduces the disclose of variables into iii numbers
3. It is used to alter the theoretical equation into dimensionless form
4. It helps to convert the units of quantities from 1 organization to to a greater extent than or less other system
a. (1), (2) as well as (3)
b. (2), (3) as well as (4)
c. (1), (3) as well as (4)
d. (1), (2), (3) as well as (4)
ANSWER: (1), (2), (3) as well as (4)
2) The unit of measurement of physical quantity which does non depend on the unit of measurement of whatever other physical
quantity is called as
a. independent dimension
b. substitution dimension
c. heart as well as person dimension
d. none of the above
ANSWER: substitution dimension
3) Which of the next is non a main quantity?
a. Mass (M)
b. Temperature (θ)
c. Time (T)
d. None of the above
ANSWER: None of the above

4) What are the dimensions of force?
a. [M L T – ii ]
b. [M L T – 1 ]
c. [M L ii T – ii ]
d. [M L ii T ii ]
ANSWER: [M L T – ii ]
5) Which of the next quantities has the dimensions [M0 L0 T 0]
a. Density
b. Stress
c. Strain
d. Strain Rate
ANSWER: Strain
6) How is the intensity of shear stresses over the boundary layer?
a. small
b. large
c. sometimes modest as well as sometimes large
d. cannot say
ANSWER: large
7) The velocity gradients over the boundary layer are
a. small
b. large
c. sometimes modest as well as sometimes large
d. cannot say
ANSWER: large
8) What is the upshot of gratis current velocity on thickness of boundary layer?
a. Increase inwards gratis current velocity increases the boundary layer thickness
b. Increase inwards gratis current velocity decreases the boundary layer thickness
c. The boundary layer thickness does non instruct affected yesteryear whatever alter inwards gratis current velocity
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: Increase inwards gratis current velocity decreases the boundary layer thickness
9) If viscosity of fluid is more, the thickness of boundary layer is
a. more
b. less
c. non affected yesteryear alter inwards viscosity
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: more
10) The part inwards the turbulent boundary layer zone, next to the corporation surface of the
plate is called as
a. laminar sub layer
b. turbulent sub layer
c. corporation sub layer
d. corporation layer
ANSWER: laminar sub layer
11) Newton's police of viscosity states that
a. the shear stress applied to the fluid is straight proportional to the velocity slope (du/dy)
b. the shear stress applied to the fluid is inversely proportional to the velocity slope (du/dy)
c. the shear stress applied to the fluid is straight proportional to the specific weight of the fluid
d. the shear stress applied to the fluid is inversely proportional to the specific weight of the fluid
ANSWER: the shear stress applied to the fluid is straight proportional to the velocity
12) What is an ideal fluid?
a. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fluid which has no viscosity
b. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fluid which is incompressible
c. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fluid which has no surface tension
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
13) The below diagram is a graph of alter inwards shear stress alongside abide by to velocity
slope inwards a fluid. What is a type of the fluid?

 Which of the next statements are truthful for dimensional analysis Bachelor of science degree in engineering: Questions on Fluid Mechanics ( Important MCQ)

a. Newtonian fluid
b. Non-Newtonian fluid
c. Ideal fluid
d. Dilatent fluid
ANSWER: Non-Newtonian fluid
14) The fluid volition ascension inwards capillary when the capillary is placed inwards fluid, if
a. the adhesion strength betwixt molecules of fluid as well as subway is less than the cohesion between
liquid molecules
b. the adhesion strength betwixt molecules of fluid as well as subway is to a greater extent than than the cohesion between
liquid molecules
c. the adhesion strength betwixt molecules of fluid as well as subway is equal to the cohesion betwixt liquid
d. cannot say
ANSWER: the adhesion strength betwixt molecules of fluid as well as subway is to a greater extent than than the
cohesion betwixt liquid molecules
15) When the angle betwixt surface tension alongside the liquid (θ) is greater than 90o, the
liquid becomes
a. flat
b. concave upward
c. convex upward
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: convex upward
16) If current constituent (Ψ) satisfies the Laplace equation, it is a possible representative of
a. a round out flow
b. a rotational flow
c. an irrotational flow
d. none of the above
ANSWER: an irrotational flow
17) Which acceleration has a nonzero value inwards uniform flow?
a. Local acceleration
b. Convective acceleration
c. Both local besides every bit convective acceleration
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: Local acceleration
18) Viscous forces are non acquaint in
a. rotational flow
b. irrotational flow
c. laminar flow
d. none of the above
ANSWER: irrotational flow
19) The constituent of acceleration due to alter inwards the direction of velocity vector is
called as
a. direction acceleration
b. tangential acceleration
c. normal acceleration
d. cannot say
ANSWER: normal acceleration
20) Blood circulation through arteries is
a. a laminar flow
b. a turbulent flow
ANSWER: a laminar flow
21) What is the right formula for Euler's equation of motion?
ρ = density of the fluid
p = pressure level force
g = acceleration due to gravity
v = velocity of the fluid
a. (∂p / ρ) + (∂g / ρ) + (∂v / ρ) = 0
b. (∂p / ρ) + (∂g / ρ) + (v dv) = 0
c. (∂p / ρ) + (g dz) + (v dv) = 0
d. (p dp) + (g dz) + (v dv) = 0
ANSWER: (∂p / ρ) + (g dz) + (v dv) = 0
22) Which of the next sentences are truthful for Bernoulli's equation?
1. Bernoulli's regulation is applicable to ideal incompressible fluid
2. The gravity strength as well as pressure level forces are alone considered inwards Bernoulli's principle
3. The period of time of fluid is rotational for Bernoulli's principle
4. The oestrus transfer into or out of fluid should travel zippo to apply Bernoulli's principle
a. (1), (2) as well as (3)
b. (1), (3) as well as (4)
c. (1), (2) as well as (4)
d. (1), (2), (3) as well as (4)
ANSWER: (1), (2) as well as (4)
23) Which of the next devices does non utilization Bernoulli's equation every bit its working
a. Venturimeter
b. Orifice-meter
c. Pitot tube
d. None of the above
ANSWER: None of the above
24) Venturimeter consists of curt converging conical subway which has a full inclination
angle of
a. xi ± 1o
b. 21 ± 1o
c. thirty ± 1o
d. lx ± 1o
ANSWER: 21 ± 1o
25) The cylindrical part of curt length, which connects converging as well as diverging
department of venturimeter, is called as
a. diffuser
b. connector
c. throat
d. manometer tube
ANSWER: throat

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