What difference between a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) and a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng)?

What difference between a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) and a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng)?

The difference in the degrees is that with a B.Sc. you will have a lot more rigorous mathematics and science/lab classes. The B. Eng. in some cases will not even require calculus to graduate. It limits the B.Eng. graduate to implementation fields such as manufacturing and construction. The B.Sc. degree holder will find much more flexibility in employment as an employer is more likely to permit the engineer to do new-product engineering and design engineering. 

Typically, a BEng is typically offered as a second degree, after a more academic degree in applied physics or sciences - specifically to qualify you as a PEng. It would have all of the core engineering courses, and assume you had many of the science background courses in chemistry, physics, math, etc… already. In the past, it was a three year degree taken after a three year Bachelor of Science.

A BSc(Eng) is *probably* a first degree that would include the entirety of the syllabus necessary to qualify as a PEng. In the past, it was a five year degree, sometimes condensed to four. My information on this is old and the practice varies significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. I think the gist of what I said is probably accurate.

Because Engineering is a tightly controlled profession, it has a tightly controlled set of courses that are required to qualify. That is the reason a degree specifically in an Engineering discipline is required.

B.Eng is more practical in scope than a BSE.  However, in practice, the individual variation amongst universities offering the same degree is large, such that the difference between a BSE and a B.Eng is really only relevant when comparing two engineering courses from the same university (which is rare).

For example, the B.Eng (combined M.Eng) course I attended at my university was very theoretical.  I know for a fact that it is far more focused on theory and less practical than a lot of B.Eng, BSc, and BSE course from other universities in the country.

source: quora.com

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